15 Of The Best Independent Designer Sunglasses To Shop Right Now

At Refinery29 Australia, we’re here to help you navigate this overwhelming world of stuff. All of our picks are independently selected and curated by the editorial team, but we may earn commission or other compensation from the links on this page.We're here to dispel the myth that sunglasses are aseason-specific accessory— their value goes well beyond the three months of summer. They're not just a fashion item; they're one of the few things protecting your precious peepers from the harsh rays of sun. Fact: If the sun is out, your shades should be on.

Thankfully, sunnies come in a myriad of styles, shapes, patterns and hues to suit your face shape, skin tone and personal taste. The sunglasses industry has also expanded tremendously in the last 20 years, so aesthetically we've evolved past ripping off the Y2K shade styles of celebrities like theOlsen twins and Paris Hilton.Now we're looking athomegrown Aussie brandsand independent labels that offer current trends at reasonable prices, and most importantly reflect our personal aesthetics.Ahead, 15 of the best sunglasses from independent brands to shop in Australia right now.